Protector of the property and property interests of our state and its institutions and organizations.
Established by the Law on the Attorney General of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of BiH, No. 8/02, 10/02, 44/04, 102/09 and 47/14) in order to provide the State of Bosnia and Herzegovina with effective legal protection and representation in with regard to the protection of its constitutionally defined competences, interests and rights, the Attorney General of Bosnia and Herzegovina is the authority of Bosnia and Herzegovina competent for performing the legal protection of property and property interests of Bosnia and Herzegovina, it's institutions and other organizations financed from the budget of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Number of institutions represented
75 institutions
Number of institutions represented
The Office of the Attorney General of Bosnia and Herzegovina represents 75 institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Did you know?
The value of the litigation that has been obtained KM
The value of litigation in which the claim against Bosnia and Herzegovina was rejected
The Office of Attorney General of Bosnia and Herzegovina represented Bosnia and Herzegovina and its institutions in civil proceedings in which the claim against Bosnia and Herzegovina and its institutions in the value of a dispute of over one billion Convertible Marks was rejected.
The value of the dispute in represented arbitrations
1.500.000.000+ KM
The value of the dispute in represented arbitrations
The Attorney General of Bosnia and Herzegovina represented Bosnia and Herzegovina in international arbitrations, the value of which is over one and a half billion Convertible Marks.
Number of cases in which the Office of Attorney General of B&H proceeded
Number of cases in which the Attorney General's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina has acted since its establishment
Since its establishment, the Attorney General of Bosnia and Herzegovina has handled and processed over 30,000 cases.
Number of hearings in which Office of Attorney General of B&H represented
Number of hearings at which the Attorney General’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina represented
The Attorney General’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina has joined more than 35,000 hearings.